
Luke Molloy
About Me:
I am a dad who lives in Athlone. I am a Civil Design Engineer who loves exercise and going sight seeing, especially hills, caves and coastlines. my favourite food is ice cream!
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I love to play the guitar in the evenings after playing soccer with my 7 year old son. He wears me out he is so fit!. the guitar helps me relax for the evening. I work for a long time before I decided to go back to college to study. This was the best thing I ever done and now I have a brilliant job that I love very much. It’s not even like a job, it’s my hobby which I get paid for!
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I design very large concrete tanks for holding the water you drink in your tap. I also design all the pipes and treatment plants that treat the water when you flush your toilet.
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Most of my work is in reinforced concrete design. I design reservoirs that hold drinking water which is the distributed to all the houses in the area. To do this I also need to know how to design structures that sit on or a re buried in the ground. This is called Geotechnical Engineering. Both designs are related and we need to work on both at the same time. Working with the ground is very difficult as soil can change at different depth. To know what is below the ground, we drill holes called boreholes into the ground. the soil is pulled up to the surface then we can see what it is like. We can check how string the soil is with some tests in the laboratory.
My Typical Day:
I get up and drive to work which is an hour from my house. first thing I do is have a bowl of porridge and a cup of tea! I usually start by reading my emails to see if in need to design anything right away. Then I will have a meeting with my design team, to see if I can help with solutions for the designs. I use my computer quite a bit where I can build my structures in a program. This lets me see what I need to build so it will stay up and not fall down!.
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Most of my work involves designing structures which are part of a larger project. There are many teams involved. There are design teams that look after the electrical items such as pumps and valves and control systems. Teams that look at pipework and the connections. My team look at the reinforced concrete design of the tanks. Some of these tanks can be as big as half a football pitch and can be as high as your house!. My job is to do the concrete design but I also lead all the the teams and bring the design together. This involves many calls to people and many meetings. It is fun because I get to chat a lot!. Teamwork is the most important part of being involved in designing a project, that way everyone gets their say and the project usually gets built correctly.
What I'd do with the prize money:
I would like to use the money to buy some model bridges for the local primary school. The idea is to teach the students what forces can be produced in the foundations when a model car is rolled across it.
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The model structures have a digital output where you can see the load being applied on the foundations. This information can be scaled up and used for the design of the bridge foundations.
Athlone Institute of Technology
Bachelors Degree in civil Engineering, A Master of Science in Polymer Engineering
Work History:
In a precast concrete factory designing bridge beams and now I work for Ward and Burke Construction
Current Job:
I am a Lead Civil, Structural and Geotechnical Design Engineer
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
exercise loving Engineer
What was your favourite subject at school?
What did you want to be after you left school?
An Engineer
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Who is your favourite singer or band?
What's your favourite food?
Ice cream and porridge (not together of course!)
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Took a helicopter ride in Sydney Australia!
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
I wish I could sing in a band. i wish I could go to africa and work to help design water structures for the poor, i wish i could have a blue Audi A6
Tell us a joke.
A farmer is magic, he drove down the road in his tractor and it turned into a field!
My Comments